
2014-06-26 5:19 am

回答 (5)

2014-06-26 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
adverb + poisonous/toxic
highly (very, extremely) poisonous
highly (very, extremely, potentially) toxic

deadly poisonous or deadly toxic 非常地有毒的, 可以致命的

deadly 雖然可作 adjective 或 adverb, 在這個 phrase, 是作 adverb

英語有四個形容詞解 “有毒的”
poisonous, toxic, noxious, venomous

poisonous 最 common, 形容動物, 植物, 食物, 化學品, 氣體

toxic 只有應用在化學品, 氣體, 臭氣, 煙 (fumes) 污染物品, 廢物, 垃圾 (landfill), toxic 許多時是人為, 環境污染, 工廠和汽車的排廢氣

noxious 應用在臭氣,煙, 汽車的排氣

venomous大多形容 snake (蛇)

poisonous + snake, spider, insect, fish, mushroom
toxic + waste, chemical, fumes
Some heavy metals are toxic (不用 poisonous)

2014-06-26 01:24:44 補充:
poisonous (adj.) 與 poison (noun) 有關
toxic (adj.) 與 toxin 毒素, 毒質 (noun) 有關

toxin 在 biochemistry, medical field, bacteriology, phramacy 常出現

2014-06-26 07:21:17 補充:
pharmacy, not "phramacy"

For those interested....
toxin = a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the mtabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation.

2014-06-26 07:25:42 補充:
metabolic, not "mtabolic"

2014-06-26 18:56:18 補充:
Toxicity 毒性 (uncountable noun)
~ derived from "toxic"

The metal has relatively high toxicity to humans.

這個句子表達 "毒性很強", 多應用在報告上

2014-06-26 19:03:33 補充:
Toxicity = the quality of being poisonous; the extent to which something is poisonous
- substances with high levels of toxicity

~ From 牛津字典
參考: Yahoo Dictionary
2014-07-02 12:52 pm
Lethal toxic or highly toxic
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-06-26 11:03 pm
Highly toxic
2014-06-26 5:59 am
An adverb + poisonous/poisoned

E.g. very poisonous, heavily poisoned
2014-06-26 5:23 am

Highly toxic
Very toxic

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