what else can I do to make him horny?

2014-06-25 3:12 am
My husband and me always fight either over sex or money im addicted to sex he is addicted to weed he uses my money to get it he hates sex anything to do with sex,kissing,holding me,touching me,he wont go down on me,nothing at all he has been this way on and off for years I get tired of it a lot he wont try anything new in or out of the bedroom its always the same positions ive tried putting on sexy outfits,naked,talking to him about it,sucking him,lubes,lotions,pretty much anything from a sex shop ive tried but his only concern is for himself he wont do anything with me until he gets his weed even then he still makes me go without sex what else can I do to make him horny???

回答 (3)

2014-06-25 3:13 am
maybe try smoking with him and then ask him to have sex with you so it goes half and half
2014-06-25 3:27 am
He needs to stop the drugs,and Jesus can heal and deliver him and save you both also.An Jesus loves ya'll,we just ask Him in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved,He is Faithful and Just to forgive all our sins,praise The LORD. An seek a Christian Church to attend,not a mormon or Jehovah's witness,they're not Christians,or the ones that support homosexuality. An google Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer,an John Hagee,good Christian teachers to encourage you in Jesus. An good to read Bible,John is a great place to begin. May The LORD Jesus speak to,save you,your husband,family,friends,and alll lost, give good Christians in your path,work things for ya'lls good an God's Glory,in The Holy Spirit,an deliver him from drugs,in Jesus Mighty Saving Name amen
Shalom Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 God is a Refuge for us.Ps 62:8

ACLJ.org Persecution.org CBN.com more about Jesus
參考: Word of God
2014-06-25 3:17 am
seriously???? find a new husband ----- not being nasty or joking he does not care about you he does not even like you so why are you with someone so nasty???
are you sure he is not gay?? again serious question ---- even if he hated you he would have sex with you as often as possible
there is nothing you can do to make him interested ---- any healthy guy would be all over you all the time so end it clean and forever find someone even if he is a lover on the side ---- your husband wont care as long as he gets his weed he may even find a boyfriend

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:09:40
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