Is it normal for a Christian to get an ear infection after being baptized?

2014-06-24 11:00 pm
I got baptized 2 days ago, & 3 hours later, I ended up with pain & green discharge from my ear. I couldn't sleep for the past 2 nights, & I've been having bad headaches.

回答 (8)

2014-06-25 12:31 am
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No, that is not normal. Green discharge is an absolute no-go: Get to the doctor immediately. In the mean time, keep the area clean, i.e. gently clean it several times a day. You will probably need antibiotics.

Sounds like the water wasn't clean and/or you had a cut somewhere in your ear. Always dry your ears after getting out of the water and drain them gently (don't shake your head). It's better to just wear plugs.
2014-06-24 11:30 pm
ya, i peed in that water.
2014-06-24 11:09 pm
Could be the water was not clean. Get your ear checked out and don't lose faith over're born again of the water, now work on being born again of the Spirit!
2014-06-24 11:05 pm
Getting water in your ear can cause an ear infection. That or you're Satan.
2014-06-24 11:02 pm
That depends. Were you baptized in the Ganges?
2014-06-24 11:20 pm
Perhaps water got inside the ear and you were not aware of it. Go see a doctor and get antibiotics for infection. Please seek medical help ASAP.
2014-08-16 9:34 pm
Have you tried Tinnitus Miracle method? Get right here : . This may completely guide everyone!
2014-06-24 11:07 pm
yes, it is quite common, considering the amount of bacteria in the water. go to the emergency room before your ear drum bursts and you go deaf for your religion

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