Does any one else feel guilty or gross after watching porn?...?

2014-06-24 5:56 pm
I'm 17 f about to be 18(don't go ranting about how it's illegal our whatever -.-) but..I have a boyfriend. Every once in a while I watch it, while I'm watching it, I feel uhm good? xD ..but once in a while I feel like just sh¡tty after watching guilty I guess just "bleh". I don't really feel like it is guilty in my mind..but it's just a "blech" ew..I guess that's how I can explain it lol but does any one else get this feeling? Or does any one know why I get this feeling after? I'm just curious..I got this feeling even when I was single and not dating.

回答 (3)

2014-06-24 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's because you think that watching it is wrong and you feel a bit 'bleh'. Because you are slightly disgusted at how you enjoyed it!

So basically all I can say is that there is nothing wrong with watching it! A massive percentage of young people do so with time you'll come to 'accept it'

Hope that helped a bit
2014-06-24 6:01 pm
I feel guilty too so I delete the history. lol
I think it's normal, I've come to accept it.
Just don't pay attention to it, I believe (it's just my opinion) watching porn is better than having sex (talking about religious and moral stuff) so yeah.
At least if you sin, you sin by yourself, you don't get anyone else involved.
2014-06-24 6:01 pm
It is boring that's why you feel the way you do. I don't watch it because I think I would fall asleep. Why would anyone want to watch other people getting slippery with each other, I don't find it a turn on at all.
My man turns me on not other people.

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