What is this dish?

2014-06-24 10:24 am
I have had a spicy pickled dish that had baby marinated octopus in it with onions, jalapenos, and some kind of spicy vinegar dressing.OMG! It was sooo good! Does anyone know what this is? They serve it at a Chinese buffet place called the Teppenyaki Grill.

I know, I know, most people are like, wtf? but I'm telling you this stuff was the bomb! I wish I knew what the name of it was.

Any help? Thanks!

回答 (3)

2014-06-24 12:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think the dish is called cerviche. You can have it with shrimp, scallops, geoduck, calamari, fish and other seafood. Hawaiian has a dish similar to it called poke. Asian like Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian etc called achar and the Chinese called it Thai salad '
2014-06-24 1:25 pm
This dish is called "nakji muchim". Like kimchi, nakji muchim is a Korean dish.
2014-06-25 2:12 am
Well, whatever it is called, I swear it is so freaking good, it should be a sin!

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