how long until IRS puts a lien on my home for past due taxes this year?

2014-06-23 6:46 pm
I filed on time and owe 19,000
they sent me a letter to pay up or start monthly deal.
I went online and set up a 400 / month auto payment from my checking.

how long until they will put a lien on my house.
I want to refi in 2 months and I wonder if a lien will cause my refi to fail.

update - my refi would cover paying off the lien. I am am asking if the lien will cause the refi to fail even thou the lien would be payed off by the cash out of the refi.

回答 (6)

2014-06-23 9:06 pm
With that size of a debt, I'd be a bit surprised if you have not already been slapped with a lien by the IRS.

The IRS routinely lifts liens temporarily to allow for sales or refinancing. Any underwriter worth their salt knows how to proceed with that. The IRS does step in and take any cash off of the closing table as part of the agreement to lift the lien to allow the transaction to proceed. Since that's your planned course of action anyway it's nothing to be worried about.
2014-06-23 6:49 pm
Yes, a lien will cause the refi to fail. If you are making your payments, they probably won't file a lien.

If you owe when you file next year, you will default on the payment plan and all bets are off.
2014-06-23 6:51 pm
did they agree to that $400 a month? that amount sounds too low for them to accept it,
you can't just set up your own payment plan,,, they WILL put a lien on your home,,, it could take 6 months
2014-06-23 6:50 pm
Are you running a business and failed to submit income tax withheld from your employees?

You are unlikely to be able to re-finance your mortgage with a 19,000 tax lien. The lender is going to request tax transcripts (IRS Form 4506-T).
2014-06-23 6:48 pm
until they get paid or arrangements are made to pay it off
and forget the refi you will very likely be denied
2014-06-23 6:53 pm
Even if you tried before they place the lien we ask for tax returns for the last 2 years. If we see an amount due to the IRS we ask for proof of payment.
參考: Mortgage lender 28 years.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:34:47
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