What colors would be perfect to wear to a fall wedding?

2014-06-22 2:54 am
My cousin and his fiance are getting married in Michigan this September. It's going to be a formal wedding at a Vineyard. The colors are hunter green, cream/ivory, and maroon or burgundy. For the rehearsal dinner I was thinking a cocktail dress in turquoise, deep or burnt red. For the actual wedding perhaps a plum or a Merlot color. What do you all think? If there are any other colors I am open to suggestions. Thank you in advance.

回答 (5)

2014-06-22 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Those sound like wonderful fall colors. I would go with it.
2014-06-22 4:35 am
Those colors seem wonderful
2014-06-22 3:20 am
Cream, ivory and emerald green!
2014-10-17 9:57 am
complicated subject. seek on to yahoo and bing. this may help!
2014-07-18 2:06 am
Thank you.

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