Faking cancer?

2014-06-21 10:59 pm
Can someone help verify this story before I look into confronting her. She claims to have been diagnosed with stomach cancer in February but didn't start treatment until April. They started her on chemo and it apparently worked so well that they took her off of it after about a month. They then switched her to radiation. She apparently would go 5 days a week but could pick and choose which days to go. I am not in town with her but when I was, I would offer to go with her but she refused every time. The radiation is working so well that they've decreased the number of days she goes in and she should be done with treatment by August. She still has only told me, a couple of her friends, and nobody else (not even her parents who she lives with - she's 21 though). To add to the weirdness, she's gained weight during this process. She claims this is because she started smoking pot to help with the nausea. Anybody care to add their input or give me a way to verify her claim? She's given me a doctor's name but I doubt he'd be able to release much info.

回答 (7)

2014-06-21 11:34 pm
The first treatment for stomach cancer is surgery.

Chemotherapy is set for a certain amount of time and is not changed because "it worked so well." For example, I had neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemo and it was obvious via clinical examination and ultrasounds that my tumor was shrinking. At no point was chemotherapy stopped. (How is your friend being evaluated?)

Likewise, radiation is set for a certain amount of time and not adjusted. It also is usually only 4 - 6 weeks at the most, due to toxicity. And no, the patient doesn't get to choose which days to come. Radiation is typically M-F with the weekend off for recuperation.

Calling BS on this one ... I think you asked about her before, didn't you?

BTW, cancer and cancer treatments cannot be hidden from people living in the same house. Completely impossible.
參考: I have Stage IV breast cancer and I live in cancerland.
2014-06-21 11:43 pm
Stomach cancer is almost unheard of in people under 40; 95% of cases are diagnosed in people over 55.

The first treatment would almost certainly have been surgery; it would not be possible for someone who had such surgery to keep it from the people they lived with.

Chemotherapy given on its own for stomach cancer (that is, without surgery) would be most likely to be offered if the cancer was advanced and had already spread. Or it might be given to shrink the tumour before surgery.

Radiation is not usually used to treat stomach cancer. When it is used, it is usually to shrink an advanced cancer and so relieve pressure which has been causing pain.

Radiation for cancer is usually given daily Monday to Friday- you don't choose which days to have it. And it doesn't go on for 3 months.

She's lying.

By the way, weight gain during chemotherapy isn't unusual; I gained 30 pounds.
參考: Have had cancer treatment myself (for a different cancer). My mother died of stomach cancer.
2014-06-21 11:05 pm
People often gain weight from chemo. The steroids make you eat like a beast.

Stomach cancer in someone who is 21 is nearly unheard of - it's a rare cancer in the first place, and only 1% or so of the time does it happen in someone in that age bracket (and frankly, in that age bracket, the older would be more common)

Usually radiation is daily only for a matter of weeks, not months.

Smells like BS to me - her folks don't know? C'mon....
2014-06-21 11:39 pm

She lives with her parents and has not told them? Rubbish.

She can pick and choose what days she gets radiotherapy? Rubbish. She would have an appointment schedule, because that is how it works. That is like saying you can turn up to work whenever you choose.

Radiotherapy done by August? Also rubbish. It is typically done for several weeks, not over the course of several months. I think my grandad had it for five days a week for six or seven weeks when he had cancer the first time --- he had oesophageal cancer near where it meets the stomach.

Plus, I do not think she would have refused your company every time if she was telling the truth. Even if it was just a lift to the hospital...

Not only all that, but stomach cancer is not exactly a common cancer in the first place --- let alone in a 21 year old.

Seems like a good time to end this friendship.
2014-06-22 5:22 am
Highly doubtful. My grandfather had stomach cancer, and he was miserable every day. Refusing you to go with her, means she has something to hide. If she lives with her parents they would automatically know. She is pulling your leg...ignore her babble she is simply lying to you for attention.
2014-06-21 11:05 pm
This link will give you everything you need to know on stomach cancer a;though just to let you know she would more than likely have lost her hair through chemo as well as being tired and sick during radiation...
http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Radiotherapy/Pages/Side-effects.aspx This link shows you the side affects of radiotherapy so you can decide for yourself.
2014-06-23 10:52 pm
2014-06-22 3:25 am
Your "friend" is delusional if she thinks she can get by with telling you all of this nonsense. My daughter had cancer, as did my mother in law. They both underwent chemo and radiation. No one's treatments are reduced "because they're doing so well". There is a certain number of chemo treatments and a certain number if radiation treatments people take. In addition, there is surgery (the first thing done is to remove as much of the tumor as possible). People become very nauseous during chemo and lose their hair, and then during radiation, they will have red skin areas from the radiation burns. If your friend had stomach cancer, she would have lost a noticeable amount of weight. She may be telling this story to get attention, but it's a pretty tacky way to do it. I wouldn't believe it. Sorry.

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