
2014-06-22 3:31 am

回答 (3)

2014-06-22 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你腳痛的原因是因為筋膜或者是肌肉發炎, 醫生開的消炎止痛藥會有治療作用的. 但需要的時間或許要長一點, 你自已亦可以逐步感覺到的.如果過了一段時間如一個多星期沒有明顯改善的話, 要再向醫生了解及診治.
2014-06-27 7:51 pm
2014-06-27 1:51 am
shd have some help o~
first u need to unserstand that once the medicine is entering the body....it will disolve in the plasma and blood in the body and the 藥效will mainly concentrate on the parts u suffer .......going down to the partvu siffered
but this is just a reli reli fundamental step that the doc will give u
so if u find it not useful
go amd buy another one in the pharmacy!

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