Hi What's Your Favourite Spike Lee Film?

2014-06-20 6:16 am
Spike Lee has directed a fair amount of films. Which of his films is you favourite?

Mine is: Do The Right Thing, what's yours?

回答 (6)

2014-06-20 2:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do The Right Thing.
2014-06-20 1:27 pm
Inside man.
2014-06-20 1:21 pm
I liked Clockers
2014-06-21 9:36 am
2014-06-20 1:24 pm
Do The Right Thing, that was a landmark movie.
2014-06-20 1:18 pm
Do the Right thing was a blacks can do whatever they want and whites are always wrong. Racist garbage.

I loved Old Boy.

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