Question about genital herpes pap smear?

2014-06-19 8:19 pm
Ok, so I've been concerned I might have genital herpes, and I spoke to my ex-girlfriend who went to her OB/GYN to get tested. She left me a voicemail yesterday and said "everything seems to be normal and negative, and that's the answer to that," meaning the answer to the genital herpes question. But I'm still concerned because I don't know what test she took that came out "normal and negative." I'm worried the OB/GYN was foolish enough to do a pap smear for herpes, which if negative, naturally would not mean she did not have herpes, only that it wasn't present on her skin when she got tested.

回答 (4)

2016-08-13 4:01 am
參考: This cures herpes 100%...
2014-06-20 3:59 am
i sincerely recommend to you a good herpes dating website
2014-06-20 12:18 am
Pap smears don't detect genital warts. They only detect HPV, and some strains cause the warts. I'm assuming if you specifically told her amount genital warts, then that's probably what they checked for, just by examining her skin around her genitals and doing a general pap smear for HPV. If she's clear for any HPV then genital warts is also a negative.
2014-06-20 12:02 am
Pap smears don't really detect herpes, specially if there wasn't a break out at the time you had the pap smear. If there were any signs of a break out then they could take a sample / swab of a sore or blister. She should have gotten a blood test done instead if she wasn't having a break out when she went to the doctor. If you're concerned about having it then you should get tested by a doctor, with a blood test for herpes.
2014-06-19 8:22 pm
did she TELL you she had a pap smear or are you just assuming that?
why dont you ask HER what proceedure was done... how the hell would we know?

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