
2014-06-20 5:03 am
I would say,''Do not be so sad.Life is like a battlefield.We often have to lose many
times to win the final games.No one can win every game in his/her life.In fact,I have just failed my math test, so you are not alone.Let's work hard together to win the next game.
I would make an excuse instead of refusing his/her invitation directly since I don't want to annoy him/her.I would probably say ,''I 'm sorry but I have to see a doctor because of my insomnia.I have struggled off and on with sleep problems.Can you realize how I feel in recent days?

DaSaGwa~ "annoy" in the second paragraph is NOT a good choice of word. I 想請問annoy可用在哪些情況較適合 可否舉個例 謝謝囉


想請問let him/her down". 又適合在哪些情況 可否舉個例 感謝


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回答 (4)

2014-06-21 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
安慰和婉拒的話之所以困難,不只是在於智慧,更是在於誠實,才不會讓人覺得你只是在做表面功夫。 你同學考試不及格,說一些話安慰他:I know you are upset with your test.(表達同情與理解)But I also know that our life is not defined by our failures. Rather, it is defined by how we overcome them. (改變他對失敗的看法)I have faith in you that you will surely do better next time. (肯定,支持,與鼓勵) 有人邀請你看電影,說一些話婉拒他。(婉拒和撒謊是兩件事情)Thank you for the invite. You guys are awesome. (表示感謝)Regrettably, I have just had areally busy and tiring day; and I really need to get some sleep tonight.(如果你真的是很累了)[Or, Regrettably, I have already made a commitment to … (如果你已經安排了其他的事要做,或已經答應別人…)]I wish youall havea wonderful time at the movie. (表示祝福和好意)

2014-06-21 06:21:08 補充:
...a really busy and...

2014-06-21 06:22:09 補充:
I wish you all have a wonderful time...
2015-07-01 3:32 am
You are going to lose some battles, but the important thing is to win the war.(of life)
“I'd love to, but...." 拒絕人的時候很好用
2015-05-10 2:47 pm
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2014-06-20 5:50 am
Using "battlefield" then "game" is kind of awkward!

You might as well use "competition" for "battlefield" and "game, match, contest, …" for "game".

2014-06-19 21:53:36 補充:
"to" and "games" used in "lose many times to win the final games" is kind of weird.

lose many times before winning the final game


lose many times before winning them

2014-06-19 21:56:40 補充:
"annoy" in the second paragraph is NOT a good choice of word. I suggest to use "let him/her down".

2014-06-19 21:59:46 補充:
" I 'm sorry but I have to see a …" is not too nice to decline. I suggest:

"I will be glad to, but I have to see a …"

2014-06-19 22:20:21 補充:
My saying "not too nice …" is because using "I am sorry" then "but" doesn't match logically.

2014-06-20 09:53:06 補充:

By definition, annoy has two situations:

1. to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts
2. to harass especially by quick brief attacks

2014-06-20 09:56:43 補充:
Hence, based upon these two definitions, you can say:

The buzzing bees are annoying.
Loud rock music is enough to annoy me.
Her constant chatter annoyed (=irritated) all of us.

2014-06-20 09:59:36 補充:
想請問let him/her down". 又適合在哪些情況

The families of the victims feel that the justice system has let them down.
She's a great player, and never lets her team down.
The whole system is let down by the poor quality of the graphics.

2014-06-20 10:18:20 補充:
Which word to use, you need to base up each word's English definition, not Chinese translation.

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