Can I sue?

2014-06-18 3:39 pm
So there's this website I am subscribed to monthly. Wont say the name, but it's for a game basically. The subscription is through PayPal. First of all, the website doesn't even really work properly and the items that I should get for subscribing don't work at all. I've tried contacting owners of the site, but nobody will respond. There's no unsubscribe button so I was kind of stuck. They have access to my card monthly and there's no way to stop it. It seems to be working for everyone else, but not me. So I opened a PayPal dispute. This has been going on for a month, and now they automatically take money out of my account. I can't unsubscribe, their services don't work, and every month they are sucking money out of my bank account. This actually caused me to go into the negatives because I no longer use that bank and had no money in it (my fault, whatever. I'll pay the courtesy fee). What can I do? Is there an option in paypal to block payments? Can I sue to really just get their attention and get that $20 back?

回答 (6)

2014-06-18 3:42 pm
Sueing for $20 is silly.

List the website and I'd be willing to bet someone can point you to the place where you can unsubscribe.

You also have the ability to stop all new charges through either PayPal or your bank.
2014-06-18 5:57 pm
Paypal has no authority to stop the payments or do anything about it because 1) you requested that your payment be through them and 2) they are not in the business of helping you with your difficulties. It is your bank that you need to inform. Dispute the last payment made. Unfortunately, however, the bank cannot put a permanent ban and/or reverse on future payments. It has to come from the other end. Since you are unable to stop it, you will have to close your credit or debit card and request another. Getting a new card takes from 1- 2 weeks. If you paid out of your checking account, then you will have to close your checking account and open another one.

After all of this annoyance and inconvenience, report the company of and spread the word on social media. However, be sure and not exaggerate because you can be held to anything you say that is not exactly true. It would not be worth your while to sue - too costly for what you could possibly receive.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & Paypal user for over a decade.
2014-06-18 4:45 pm
Closing down your Paypal account is the easiest way to go.
2014-06-18 3:49 pm

1. Close your bank account, and open a new one.
2. Sure, you can sue. You'll win by default considering that business is not going to show since it would cost 100X that to fight it. However, by the time and money you waste filing, would make you lose even MORE money.

Just take this loss and move with your life. Start a blog if it makes you feel better.
2014-06-18 3:43 pm
Sure you can sue for your $20. It will cost $50 - 100 to file and they might not respond. Sure you will win by default, however it is a good chance they are no where close to you and you will never collect.

You can however close your paypal account and that will stop the charges.

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