
2014-06-19 4:12 am
張票客人話寄出咗,但我地仲未收到, 客人要我地出封信要提及下例

直至現時為止我司仍未收到貴公司之支票, 支票號碼: xxxxx 銀行:xxxx , 請查核銀行後重新發出支票

如果我公司往後收到之前 的支票 No: xxxxx (<---之前話寄出咗,我未收到既票), 會保證退番張票比佢

造成任何不便, 敬希見諒


Re: HKB cheque nos. xxxx (HK$xxxx ), settle our invoice xxxx dated on 18/6/2014

As the captioned cheque we still not receive please check with your banker and issue a new cheque for the settlement.

If cheque no. xxxxxx (<--遺失的舊票) in some other day we have received, we will return to you.

I am so sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

If you need more information please feel free to contact us at xxxxxxxx.

Thanks again your kind attention, and your prompt action is much appreciated.

Your faithfully,

Xxxxxxx Co

回答 (3)

2014-06-19 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Re: HKB 支票號 xxxx ($xxxx),定居在 2014/6/18 約會我們發票 xxxx


如果支票號 xxxxxx (< — — 遺失的舊票) 在一些其他的一天我們已經收到,我們將退還給您。


如果你需要更多的資訊請隨時與我們聯絡 xxxxxxxx。



Xxxxxxx Co
2014-06-19 4:00 pm
Date: xxxx


ATTN: xxxx

Dear xxxx

Re: ___________________________________

We have not yet received the captioned cheque in settlement of invoice # xxxx dated xxxxxxxx.

Please kindly send us a new one to replace the captioned cheque. Please be assured that the captioned cheque # xxxxxxx willl be returned to you once we receive it.

Should there be any question, please kindly contact xxxxx at tel xxxxxxx.

Please kindly accept our apology for all the inconvenience thus caused and thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,
xxxxx company

2014-06-19 5:34 am
Dear xxxx,

Re: HKB Cheque numbered xxxx, in the amount of HK$ xxxx, for settling our invoice xxxx dated 18/6/2014

We have not yet received the captioned cheque. Please kindly check with your banker and issue a new cheque in lieu for settling the invoice concerned.

And if we receive the previous cheque numbered xxxxxx later, we will return it to you at once.

We are so sorry for any inconvenience caused. If you need more information, please feel free to contact us at xxxxxxxx.

Thanks again for your kind attention. Your prompt response is much appreciated.

Your sincerely,
Xxxxxxx Co

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