
2014-06-17 4:39 pm
最近多次收到电邮,称来自Yahoo管理。需要我进入提升。但一进入,就被电脑管家提醒是黑客。有没有朋友能提醒一下:来自网址"Account Dept" <[email protected]>

Dear xxxx.com,
We have reasons to believe that you are about to exceed your email storage quota. Be aware that you may not be able to receive future messages as soon as your limit has been exceeded.

You are are hereby required to upgrade your account now to prevent lost of data.

Please click here to upgrade your subscription to redeem an extra 50GB free.

Note: You may need to move this message to inbox to enable link.

Thanks for cooperation.
Account Management

回答 (1)

2014-06-17 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
雖然me唔知,但是你打yahoo 的電話chek下個e-mail.

2014-06-17 15:59:36 補充:
(因為近排好多菲律賓人騙hk人,但又唔識中文,so they write engish)

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