GCE A level (I Need Help)

2014-06-17 11:47 am
Hi! I finished my GCE AS level exams already ( Math Core 1, Math Core 2, Math Decision 1, Geography Unit1, Geography Unit 2, Chinese Speaking and Chinese Writing and reading exams). This is my first year study in UK. I know that Chinese exam is not counted as one subject as I am a Chinese. But I know that I need to take this exam if I want to study in the university which is located in Hong Kong.
I need three A level subjects to apply universities.

I have some questions. Please help me!
First of all, I really want to know is that (BTEC Business Nationals from 2010) and (GCE Applied business in next year) are seen as same subject( one business subjects) even though I prepare two of them during my AS and A2 subjects.

BTEC Nationals from 2010 | Business


For this one, I only need to submit assignment ( no exams). Are the university which is located in Hong Kong counted it as a business subject? (as there are no any exams)

Applied GCE | Applied Business


I want to take both AS and A2 exams ( applied business) in next summer term(only 3 exams)

Moreover, I want to know how many universities I can apply if I want to apply some universities which are located in HK( Most of them) and some of them are located in UK( one or two). But I really want to study the university which is located in HK.

Furthermore, I really want to know can I just use my A level results to apply all of the universities that I have chosen. It is because I have not taken any GSCE and DSE exams. Also, I have a bad results when I study in HK (Form1 to form5). So, can I don't use my Form 5 school report to apply all of the universities? I hope you can help me to solve these questions! Thank you!!!

回答 (1)

2014-06-17 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我見到你有好多related to business 既問題, 我group 埋佢一齊答.
Are the university which is located in Hong Kong counted it as a business subject?

>> 先講你果3科學科, 你要知道要入hk 既大學一般要3個GCE A LEVEL, 而中文係唔計既, 所以就算你有考, 以你而家已經考左既詆, 你只有2個可以被consider 既AS, 就係geog 同數. 所以你需要多一科gce 既科去apply 大學, 而個人建議, 如果你你係已經係英國讀書, 係可以讀gce 既econ rather than btec, 因為gce 既econ 會係consistent to 你而家既qualification. 而同時, 你亦要考ielts.

2) Moreover, I want to know how many universities I can apply if I want to apply some universities which are located in HK( Most of them) and some of them are located in UK( one or two).

>> 你可以8大都報哂, 冇restriction的. 而英國既大學, ucas 既system restrict 左只可以apply 5間.

3) Furthermore, I really want to know can I just use my A level results to apply all of the universities that I have chosen.

>> 你可以只用gce 既成績去apply 大學, 但如果要有offer 同interview 的話你一定要有一個好既cv/personal statement, 有work experience同埋有好既成績, 如果唔係就好易同人比下去. 我見到你寫既英文都仲有進步既空間, 所以要趁係英國時候train 好佢, 如果唔係有機會去interview 的話, 你會比下去 (你會好amaze 係non jupas interview 既時候, 個個既英文都有番咁上下).

4) Moreover, I also want to know if I retake some of the AS level exams, are all of the universities which are located in HK count it because I heard my sister said that some universities in HK only count the A level exams which she taken in the first time.

>> 係, 有一d 科目係hk 要求比較高, 係要求first sitting 的. 所以如果想入hk 既大學, 特別係三大,最好aim 所以科都有a 以上, 而且係first sitting. 唔計中文.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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