My crush just unfollowed me on instagram?

2014-06-17 5:10 am
I went to go check instafollows, and sure enough, my crush unfollowed me. What do i do? Im so devastated right now. Im so sad. Its the last day of school tommorow, and im not going to see her in the summer. What do i do? How do i overcome this?

回答 (8)

2014-06-17 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
2016-12-09 12:48 am
Just Unfollow Me
2014-06-17 5:16 am
Some girls like to clean out there instagram accounts every couple of weeks by in following people that they think they don't really know, that aren't following you back or maybe you havnt been liking her photos and post game stuff recently and she could think that your accounts not be gross used any more but u should move on
參考: My self
2014-06-17 5:15 am
Get her number
Good luck
2014-06-17 5:14 am
Stop freakin moaning about nothing.

People are devastated about their families being killed of starvation and bombing and idk what and you're sitting here moaning about how ur crush (who'll probably only last a couple of months before u find a new crush) has unfollowed you on Instagram. Is that the worse of your problems?
God what is this world coming to?

She's just a girl dude, you're gonna meet twenty more like her in the summer.
Just enjoy the summer and forget about someone who doesn't appreciate you.

Chill. It's summer time...
2014-06-17 5:13 am
If you are good friends whith them then just joke about it and ask why they unfollowed you
2014-06-17 5:13 am
Wait three months and try again. But actually talk to her this time.
2014-06-17 5:11 am
Who cares? It's just Instagram. He probably doesn't like any of your pictures.

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