Why do I owe 115€ to liberty insurance?

2014-06-16 12:05 pm
Hi I told them I want to cancel the insurance and they sent me a form saying that I owe them 115€ and will have to pay it.
Just wondering why. I'm not paying for that bull****. I payed them every month by the way. No missed payments.

回答 (3)

2014-06-16 12:08 pm
Sue them. You don't owe a cent once you cancel unless they told you about cancellation fees.
2014-06-16 7:39 pm
Did they renew your policy and then you switched carriers? Did you do so as of the renewal date? If so, then you should be able to send them a copy of the replacement policy and they should be able to backdate the cancellation.

However, if your policy renewed (whether you wanted it to or not, if you didn't tell them, it would renew) and then lapsed for non-payment, you might owe the money.

Need more details to guide you, please re-post or clarify.
2014-06-16 3:51 pm
Most insurance companies that allow you to make monthly payments have cancellation charges and Liberty are no different check out terms and condtions on their web site.

Ring them and ask them why it's 115 euro, they may lower the charge.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:25:20
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