
2014-06-17 3:15 am
我想問下我男朋友欺詐罪認左罪 無案底
上星期感化官黎家訪 感化官話佢已經健議左個官社會服務令



回答 (2)

2014-06-17 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
對於一些不太嚴重的罪行, 加上是初犯及認罪, 法官通常都會給予當事人機會, 避免判得太重, 如判監等, 但未判刑前有時會要求感法官去了解犯事者的情況,然後按感化官的建議去考慮判刑的輕重. 上次感化官家訪你男友便是做此類判刑的評估. 如果感化官已經作出判社會服務令的建議, 法官一般都會按建議判刑, 因此你男朋友被判社會服務令的機會是很高的. 你朋友出庭侯判時注意要態度良好, 表示有悔意等,態度良好有助減少服務令的判處時間.
2014-06-17 11:22 am
1. At least 50%. In typical cases, the court will follow Probation Officer's recommendation.

2. It depends on the case itself. Probation Officer's recommendation is simply a non-binding recommendation. The court still has the full, independent authority to override the report's recommendation (as the Department of Justice needs to agree with the sentencing).

The most important is your boyfriend's current location - released pending sentencing, or confined pending sentencing. This will give a hint about what the court will do.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:45:54
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