因銀行fault而生overdraft interest

2014-06-16 10:16 pm
如bank delay左我cheque入數(比正常多2-3日)因而生左overdraft interest,那我可否追回損失?

回答 (2)

2014-06-17 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your bank account usually has 2 balances - account balance and available balance.

When the bank has to hold your deposit, your account balance will still reflect the amount after the deposit. But the available balance does not.

As soon as your deposit is eventually cleared, you will not accrue any fees at all from the bank, as the bank will never imposed on unless your account balance is below what is needed or the deposit does not get cleared.

In answering your questions:

1. It never happens.

2. Yes

3. No - each bank has its own cut off time. You make the deposit after the cut off. It will count to the next day. So your deposit is considered made on Tuesday. So it is reasonable for it to be clear on Wednesday afternoon.
2014-06-17 12:36 am
如果你肯定而又能夠提出具體的證明, 證明是銀行的錯誤, 你可以要求銀行取消有關之收費. 但證據要清楚及具體. 此外, 要留意星期六銀行是不處理支票過戶服務的, 要延至星期才虛理, 另外, 下午4點以後才入銀行的支票, 一般要到第二天才處理, 這些都是合理的做法, 不能算是延誤.
如果你過往的紀錄良好, 你可以要求銀行取消有關的手續費, 但利息就比較難處理, 一般都要交的.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:46:10
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