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俗話形容 ”個人好串”, stuck-up, cocky
Stuck-up (informal) adj. 傲慢的, 自以為了不起的
- proud and unfriendly because you think you are better and more important than other people – used to show disapproval
She was a famous actress, but she wasn't a bit stuck-up.
Cocky (informal) adj. 驕傲自大的, 趾高氣揚的
~ too confident about yourself and your abilities,, especially in a way that annoys other people.
Snotty (informal) adj. 高傲的, 妄自尊大的
Someone who is snotty is rude and annoying, especially because they think that they are more important than other people – used to show disapproval
Arrogant (adj.) = 傲慢的, 趾高氣揚的, 目中無人的
If you are arrogant, you behave in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because you believe that you are better or know more than other people, and your opinions are always right.
Conceited (adj.) =自負的, 驕傲自滿的
~ behaving in a way that shows you think you are very clever, skilful, beautiful etc
串咀的人喜歡自誇, 得意洋洋地談論, 其中兩個 verbs
Brag (verb) = 自誇, 吹噓 (used to show disapproval)
~ to talk too proudly about what you have done, what you own etc;
Crow (verb) = 得意洋洋地談論 (used to show disapproval)
~ to talk about what you have done in a very proud way
2014-06-16 06:07:00 補充:
Scornful 輕蔑的 = feeling or showing contempt
相似 contemptuous
非常少作 attributive adjective 用來形容人, 除了英漢字典
scrornful look/glance/smile/laugh/remark/expression
His tone sounded scornful.
He is scornful. (是指對某一個事物感覺, 不是形容個人性格)
be + scornful + of + someone/something
He was scornful of your suggestions.
2014-06-16 07:11:03 補充:
bluff (verb) = 嚇唬,欺騙, 虛張聲勢
If you bluff, you make someone believe that you will do something when you do not really intend to do it, or that you know something when you do not really know it.
串咀的人可以 bluff, 但是 bluffing 的人未必是"串咀"
2014-06-17 03:57:08 補充:
多數俚語有書面語, 相信發問者意思是如果要書寫, 應該使用什麼字, 意思與俚語相同. 書面語許多時不能正確地表達俚語
“hookXX, whXre“ (俚語) ~ “prostitute, call girl” (書面語)
“sex worker” (書面語) - used when you do not want to say it directly
參考: Longman English Dictionary; Yahoo Dictionary