
2014-06-15 11:57 pm
"俾車撞死"英文點寫? 感謝!

回答 (10)

2014-06-19 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

He was knocked down to death by a car.

若只說knocked down就只是被撞倒,未必致死。


A 67-year-old retired ADEI officer from Shraddha Colony in Bicholim was knocked down to death by a vehicle on Saturday morning while he was on his morning walk......


2014-06-17 12:12 am

"俾車撞死"係指死者是行人被車撞-唔係交通意外(駕車者/在車裏)的死者,所以唔係die in a car crash/die in a car accident.

He was run over by a car.
run over

He was killed by a car.

He was hit by a car...
通常用hit by a car已暗示只是撞襯(或未知死未)...後面通常都補充多些資料(例如but ok/but only suffered minor stratches/and was send to x hospital...)
2014-06-16 10:41 am
A boy (girl, man, woman, pedestrian...) died after being knocked down by a car.

2014-06-17 01:45:15 補充:
No offence. 大家想幫發問者

run over = 輾過, 雖然撞倒才給車輾過
knocked down/hit by a car 比較貼切些

"but only suffered minor stratches/and was send to x hospital"
scratches, not stratches ~ typo error
sent ~ 應該用 past participle

His injuries were only minor scratches (or bruises) and he was taken to hospital.

2014-06-17 02:36:01 補充:
行人俾車撞死是交通意外, 不論死者是駕車者或行人
"Car accident occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree or utility pole.
Traffic collisions may result in injury, death, vehicle damage, and property damage."
2014-06-16 4:42 am
Died In Car Crashes

Died in Car Accidents

2014-06-15 20:44:44 補充:
哦不對應該是Died In Car Crash或者Died in Car Accident
參考: me myself
2014-06-16 12:05 am
Rushed to the car died
2014-06-29 3:09 pm
Simply write "hit/knocked dead by car/a car".
2014-06-18 12:03 am
報導 "俾車撞死" 新聞,報紙通常會咁寫:

A man/woman died after he/she was hit by a car.

A (six-year-old) boy was killed when he was knocked down by a car (this evening).

He was hit by a car and killed.

撞 = hit
撞(擊)倒 = knock down

"hit" 比較多用,可能因為少字些。
2014-06-16 4:35 pm
(He) died in Car Crash.
=He crashed his life into a car.
2014-06-16 2:27 am
The Victim was found dead after hit by the car.
2014-06-16 12:58 am
Serve car killed

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