
2014-06-15 8:54 am
我去某旅行社報團...小朋友不小心按到工作人員電話...那位工作人員對我家人講左好唔禮貌既說話.. 我曾致電投訴搵佢經理... 但佢經理對話中... 唔好意思對唔住都無... 重講到佢職員咩問題都無咁... 請問重有咩投訴既方法?

回答 (3)

2014-06-15 10:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
2014-06-16 6:41 pm
打去佢個間旅行社架CS度投訴, 再唔得就去旅遊業議會呀!
2014-06-15 11:47 pm
What exactly do you want?

Based on what you have said, what you have experienced is due to your child.

Bottom line - your child caused this.

The personnel may be questionable in his or her manner. But don't you think you need to think again who's right or wrong?

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