English grammar

2014-06-15 3:08 am
Tom stated that an notice / form sample would give to Evan for his reference and to distributed for residents to fill in their choice.

Tom 表示回條的樣本會給Evan作參考並派給居民填寫.

Please help me to check above sentence whether i make grammatical mistake.

Thanks you very much!!

回答 (3)

2014-06-15 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tom 表示回條的樣本會給Evan作參考並派給居民填寫.

Tom的意思是叫 Evan 派回條給居民填寫:

Tom stated that a sample of the reply slip will be given to Evan for his reference and onward distribution to residents for them to fill in their choices.

2014-06-15 15:02:21 補充:
onward distribution (of the reply slips) = make copies and deliver them

2014-06-15 15:05:04 補充:
Sorry, 應該是: Evan收到樣本之後,他就會分發回條給居民。
2014-06-15 4:11 pm
Errors and corrections:-
Tom presented a sample acknowledged
to Evan for his reference
distributed the copies
to residents
to fill in.
Hence you've subject and predicates.
2014-06-15 5:51 am
Tom stated that [templates of the reply slip] would [be given] to Evan for his reference and [x to] distributed [to] residents [for them to] fill in their [choices].

2014-06-14 21:54:02 補充:
不過我覺得用複本 copies 好似會比較合理

2014-06-15 00:09:47 補充:
因為通常唔會比 sample 人填,而係比 copies

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