
2014-06-14 6:21 pm
我本身讀psychology, honour degree
但gpa 唔過3 只係得second low honous class
本身英文同science底比較差, 所以yr 1 d gpa插哂水 之後點拉都拉唔番

如果想讀上去 e.g: master of counselling psy等
因為咁嘅 gpa 1定唔夠同人爭.

我見好似cu 咁有d psycho 嘅 conversion programme
但係for 唔係讀psycho degree 嘅人apply
或者考GRE psychology test
甚至讀1個收生門檻較低嘅 master of psychology然後再駁上去?


回答 (3)

2014-06-15 12:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
It does not work like this.

Your GPA is only a portion of the admission consideration.

There are other elements as well, such as interview, your statement of intent, GRE, recommendation letter, etc.

Although your GPA is below 3, as soon as it is not way below 3, you will still be fine.

I will say taking the GRE first and see if you really have potential.
2014-06-15 9:39 am
坦白而言,Master Psy 競爭遠高於 BA。就我所知,HKU CU 或較具優勢,而GPA 多與 Interview 具相等 Proportion,一般面試要求為3.2 (再作查詢)建議是海外升學,向Tutor或professor取Reference Letter。
2014-06-14 11:05 pm
master係自資課程,學院渴求,有生意點會唔做,你可放心,你gpa唔過3都有second lower,咁就難能可貴,一於去馬。

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