SO SO upset !! Please help me

2014-06-14 5:22 pm
HI.. everyone I have a question for you think foreigner generally spent how many time to learn English. about many year can watch cnn news ??it's possible ??I so sad MY English have been very poor...Grammar with talking are very rotten....I have go to the online English school ..but I so confess because they of teacher complete are western teacher ... sometime i don't understand what the teacher says mean.... I just so tired ..FOR ENGLISH

回答 (5)

2014-06-15 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, I've been learning English for about 16 years now. I've started learning since I was a toddler so it hasn't been that hard for me. But, my English is still far from perfect. I make mistakes every now and then. I get that not being able to understand what someone is saying is very frustrating. I've been through a phase where I sat in class not understanding a word of what the teacher is saying and it took me a whole year with more than five hours of extra English lessons a week to get me to where I am today.

My advise to people that are trying to learn English is:

Watch and listen to as much English conversations as you can and enjoy it while you're doing it. Go watch American movies and tv series and switch on the subtitles, preferable English and Chinese, so that you can learn the meaning to the words. Not only can you improve on your vocabulary, you can also improve in your listening skills. Then try to talk to people in English to improve your speaking skills and get your accent right.

Hope that answers your question!
2014-06-15 12:41 am
So what is your question?
2014-06-14 6:29 pm
As for me, I have spent more than 30 years to learn English (no kidding). Yet, I only set ONE foot in. Now, ask yourself, can you commit 30 years to learn English?

Don't compare with or complain about how poor your English is! Just learn it!

2014-06-14 10:31:42 補充:
If you are NOT as SaGwa as I am, maybe, you can learn it more quickly, otherwise, you might need 30 years too.

2014-06-14 12:29:43 補充:
Master AP certainly cannot agree with me, because she is a native speaker, she ONLY spent TWO years of her toddler era and learned to speak English (like I learned to speak Taiwanese). Nevertheless, to learn English, it took me 30 years and am still learning.

2014-06-14 14:02:26 補充:
Wow! It is really admirable that AP can learn Chinese "god speed" (神速*, sorry for my poor English!)

* godspeed = 一帆風順

Allow me to have a little twist :-) …
2014-06-14 5:49 pm
Dude, you are not alone at all. I am also so so so very upset and tired of your poor English. You need to find it a job so that it can make some $ and be rich one day.

2014-06-14 10:39:10 補充:
I think melon is dead wrong on this one - the best way to learn English is not to learn it at all but instead, just to enjoy it.

2014-06-14 13:12:15 補充:
I thought there is a TW idiom:


I thought it was a common sense, no?
2014-06-14 5:31 pm
What is your point?
Learn it or give up?

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