加拿大/美國讀community college

2014-06-13 8:03 pm
加拿大/美國讀community college
本人係香港未完成中三學位 旦而經19歲啦 唔想一事無成
想去加拿大/美國讀community college 不過對呢一面既知識唔多
2.係 加拿大/美國讀community college 最平係幾多?!~
一年學費 同埋 生活大既要幾多?!~
3. 假若去到讀書 請問 可否邊工作邊讀書?!~

回答 (2)

2014-06-13 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Absolutely yes.

Canada and the U.S. are lenient to their own residents and citizens. However, it will not be the case for international students (those who need visa to study).

Based on your qualification, your only ever chance is High School program of community colleges from the State of Washington, U.S.

Without a High School Diploma or equivalent, or the program above, you are basically wasting your time chasing a mission impossible.

2. HKD$300,000-400,000 depending on your choices of living.

3. Yes and no.

Work is allowed. However, it is heavily restricted. And it is extremely rare that you can make enough money for self-support.

4. No comment. Beside - agents can't help you a lot.

2014-06-22 9:19 pm
4.it doesn't matter which one only which can fast and cheap price that can help you.

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