I can't stop my hands from shaking?

2014-06-12 9:38 am
I'm a healthy 16 year old, I don't smoke, I don't have any health problems, I don't have anxiety, and I don't eat a lot of sugar, but my hands almost constantly shake.
It's not usually noticeable, but if I am trying to install a tiny screw, or if my thumb is hovering over my iPod screen, my hand shakes like I've had too much coffee (I haven't). Sometimes it gets to the point where other people actually notice before I do.
What causes this, and how can I stop it from happening?

回答 (2)

2014-06-12 9:44 am
Sadly it could be a serious neurological problem. You probably need to see your family doctor then see a neurologist,
2016-03-10 10:39 am
Easy... don't use your hands for support. Start with a tripod. If you can't use a tripod, look into cheap alternatives to "steadycam" technology. At the most primitive, you need a heavy-ended stick that your camera will mount to. With about $10.35 at a hardware store, you can buy a bolt that will fit the tripod thread on your camcorder. From there, you need a short threaded pipe (1 - 2 feet), about 1" in diameter, one endcap and one flange for said pipe. You'll need to trill a hole in the endcap for the bolt to pass thru. This will attach to the camera. Then, you slide some weight on the other end of the pipe, and use the flange to keep it on. Voila! Insta steadycam! Also, look for things to support yourself. Lean on a doorframe. Put your elbows on your knees. Etc.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:48:14
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