USPS mail Carrier rude.?

2014-06-11 10:42 pm
Today, on my way home. I saw a bag of mail left and trying to find the owner. I said to myself is he there or something wrong? Later on I realize that he was there yelling and he said what you're doing? I told him that I would never steal but find the truck or the owner. He ask me for the ID and the place where I live and he snatched it fast. Afterwards I told him that I'm being honest and not steal (that is a bad karma to steal). I apologized and he was being rude again. How do I make a complaint about the service? I don't want big things to happen. I did the right thing and he shouldn't be leaving it there.

回答 (3)

2014-06-11 10:49 pm
So, a mail carrier saw someone walking away with a bag of mail (which is a felony, BTW, with a maximum penalty of incarceration in a federal prison), got really mad and "rude," and you think he did something wrong?

If your mail was in that bag and someone else was walking away with it, wouldn't you want the carrier to do everything s/he could to get it back?

Just get over it.
2014-06-12 3:58 am
You are an idiot. You have no right to touch USPS bags or their mail. You could be charged with a federal crime. Don't pretend that you were dragging it from home to home to find the owner or even dragging it off to find an owner. You know very well who it belonged to. Playing an ignoramus in court will not get you off. It will annoy the judge who will throw the book at you. Stay in school because you need to smarten up. And, he had good reason to be rude to you. Be thankful he did not call the police on you, right there and then.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2014-06-11 10:45 pm
Call USPS? I mean how do you usually complain for crappy service?

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