How can I make tons of friends in 1 month?

2014-06-10 9:49 pm
My group of friends don't relate with me anymore and will probably dump me soon, so I need friends to go to so I can become a changed person. I am going into 8th grade and am currently in Summer break. I want real friends, not just people willing to talk to me. Any suggestions?

回答 (5)

2014-06-10 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Easy. Create an online dating profile, put a nice picture of a girl. Within less than 12 hours you'll have over 100 guys wanting to chat and meet you. xD

Anyway, the latter was a joke. And best way to make real friends are activities (sports, volunteering, camps, etc.)
2014-06-10 10:35 pm
Expose your nudes to 3 guys, I assure you it will go viral in .3847283 seconds.
2014-06-10 9:51 pm
Find something you love to do and you will find others who are like you as a bonus.
2014-06-10 9:51 pm
To gain friends, you must be a friend.
2014-06-10 9:49 pm
hand out money

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