horoscope question?

2014-06-10 2:28 pm
whats my horoscope for today im a tarus I wans bron april 30th 1998

回答 (4)

2014-06-10 2:29 pm
Your horoscope is that you are too young to be online gtfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYeEl38c2AI
2014-06-12 1:58 am
Explain in more detail please.
2014-06-12 1:08 am
aires truse cusp

week one 1 airuse 1to 5 day

week 2 aires 5 to 10 day
week 3 airis 10 to 15 day
4th week truse-aries cusp 16 to 30 or 31 day of month
參考: zodiac and astrology expert
2014-06-10 3:09 pm
Your horoscope is that you will be given a completely fake horoscope from someone named brett

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:09:19
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