Solar energy vs wind energy?

2014-06-10 1:27 pm
Which is a better alternative energy source?

1. Compare the similarities and differences of the two places with elaboration ( give details, examples, reasons, etc. )
2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages
3. Reach a conclusion

回答 (5)

2014-08-09 3:17 pm
Wind and solar energy are reliable sources of electricity that can diversify our nation's energy portfolio.
I personally think a mixture of green energy sources is the best way to go because not one stands head and shoulders above the rest for every geographical region.
2014-06-11 4:46 am
Solar energy is the right option. The availability of solar energy is wider than wind energy. This is the advantage of solar energy by comparing with wind energy.
2014-06-11 12:42 am
I prefer solar energy because it is available everywhere in a day time but wind energy is not easy to found all time.
2014-06-10 2:16 pm
I prefer wave energy.
2014-06-10 1:28 pm
Do your own homework. But I did once hear that if the entire state of Nevada was covered in solar panels it could power the entire country.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:48:10
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