math help needed?

2014-06-09 4:23 pm
A kite on a 160-foot string is caught on a pole. When the full length of the string is stretched in a straight line to the ground, it touches the ground a distance of 50 feet from the bottom of the pole.

The string forms an angle of 17° with the ground when it is stretched like this.

回答 (3)

2014-06-09 4:33 pm

if you have a question, you have not asked it !!

Make a diagram...see the right triangle ?

the angles are: 17º, 73º and 90º

the sides are: 50 ft (from the pole to the end of the string on the ground), the height of the pole and the length of the string (160 ft, also the HYPOTENUSE !)

FOCUS...ask your question !
2014-06-09 4:25 pm
What is the question?
2014-06-09 4:29 pm
if it forms at 17 degree angle with the ground, then the distance from the pole is [ 50 * sin(17) ] feet

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