thoughts on the band the devil wears prada?

2014-06-09 3:27 pm
do you like them?

do you like there old or new music

list your fav albums/songs

回答 (5)

2014-06-09 4:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hey john whats your name again, the song that got me into screamo. i love their first two albums there new music is OK 8:18 is a great album that saved them
2014-06-09 10:33 pm
boring metalcore for children
2014-06-09 11:00 pm
I haven't listend to any of their newer material. I do enjoy their first albums though. It was unique unto itself.
2014-06-09 10:29 pm
i only know one song by them. it's on my mp3 players and i like it
2014-06-10 12:28 am
They are turrible. Nearly indistinguishable from every other generic Metalcore group out there.

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