Logically, who is the wisest person of all?

2014-06-09 12:44 pm
Not asking about actual living people.

回答 (12)

2014-06-09 1:03 pm
2014-06-09 12:46 pm
Albert Einstein
2014-06-09 2:48 pm
Logic has nothing to do with wisdom.
2014-06-09 12:57 pm
Stephen Hawking
2014-06-12 4:29 am
Rob Ford and Chris Christie at the moment.
2014-06-09 4:16 pm
No one
2014-06-09 1:51 pm
Who is the wisest dead person?

It's a tie... because they're all dead.

You said "logically."
2014-06-09 1:31 pm
One who uses both intuition (as a "suggestive") and logical/rational thinking to evaluate the validity of intuition and one's impressions and goal.
2014-06-09 1:21 pm
I meant no people, dead or alive, only logically. The wisest person is one who: _____________
2014-06-09 12:48 pm
that must be the Buddha, logically
sentimentally it might be anyone else
2014-06-09 1:23 pm
The traditional goal of philosophy, considered to be some amalgam of knowledge, spiritual profundity, Stoical ability to put up with the evils of the world, and practical ability or phronesis. The myth of the cave recognizes the difficulty the wise man or philosopher will have in communicating his understanding to those who remain in the cave; the central problem with wisdom is that those who do not have it will be unable to distinguish those who do from false claimants and pretenders. This is particularly so when wisdom is equated with the incommunicable, ineffable contact with a higher world than this one.

The ancient Greeks considered wisdom to be an important virtue, personified as the goddesses Metis and Athena. Athena is said to have sprung from the head of Zeus. She was portrayed as strong, fair, merciful, and chaste.[2] To Socrates and Plato, philosophy was literally the love of Wisdom (philo-sophia). This permeates Plato's dialogues, especially The Republic, in which the leaders of his proposed utopia are to be philosopher kings: rulers who understand the Form of the Good and possess the courage to act accordingly. Aristotle, in his Metaphysics, defined wisdom as the understanding of causes, i.e. knowing why things are a certain way, which is deeper than merely knowing that things are a certain way

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/wisdom

We are all individualistic, meaning that we are all different in thinking.

Our minds are as different as our finger prints -
no two are identical. Palmistry also says the same
thing. Every human is unique. Not only do our
organs differ, but our personalities differ. Each
human develops different goals, and has special
traits or feelings which differ in a million
different ways from others.

Significant differences exist between the male and female brains. Although what follows has been meticulously gathered from the research and writings of leading scientists and psychologists, it is by no means a hard and fast rule or description of every man and every woman. Every person is different and unique.

That every person is unique and has an intrinsic worth.

2014-06-09 12:45 pm
Jesus Christ

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