When will we be blessed with a child?

2014-06-09 11:12 am
When will we be blessed with a child

my details
Sumit Malhotra
4th Jan 1983
7:10 AM
New Delhi

My wife's details
Aarti Bhatia
28th Sep 1984
2:00 PM
New Delhi

Married on 10Dec 2010

Longing for a child since long.... when will we have GOD's grace and my wife will conceive..

回答 (5)

2014-06-09 3:25 pm
there is nothing in astrology or your charts that will ever tell you when or even if you will have a child... astrology is not fortune telling or even future telling

the trouble sometimes is you are too stressed from being too desperate for a child have a holiday eat drink rest relax and just be happy
then if it is going to happen it will happen when you are not trying ...
do you understand the point I am trying to make... example is when a couple think they can not conceive and instead they adopt well within a year or two of being new parents to an adopted baby suddenly what a surprise they get pregnant... why... because they were not trying and had relaxed

however there are things you can do to help acupuncture has been known to help and also the diet for both of you can help and here are a few good sites with information but remember don't stress and good luck
2014-06-09 11:57 am
Your 5th house incharge is in 2nd house, which is an excellent placement.
You have to have a Kid and you will be a very famous person

Please get in touch clinically. Both of you as per horoscope have a kid.
The problem may be temporary
2014-06-09 11:17 am
have unprotected sex u nerds and dont pull out. BAM pregnant. B)
2014-06-09 11:12 am
10 June :O
2014-06-09 1:30 pm
Insert penis take it too her . pop a load. repeat.

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