do i need the breast cancer gene test?

2014-06-07 1:32 pm
3 years ago my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer only 24 years old too,she has since undergone chemo,mastectomy plus other treatments and is now doing really well :)
she had the gene test done last year which came back negative and whilst that is good news for her and her daughters and i am very pleased for her,i was wondering if that means that my chances are also very low too or do i still need to be tested even though her test was clear as im slightly confused as to how it works..she has since been told that her cancer could have been sparked by her ivf treatment as they gave her too much hormone treatment but still confused as im now the age she was when she was diagnosed.thanks in advance

sorry,slight mistake..she was 34 not 24

回答 (5)

2014-06-07 5:34 pm
I was diagnosed at 48 and had the genetic testing done. My mother died at age 52 of breast cancer metastases. My test came out negative and the genetics counselor said there was no reason for my sisters (all of whom are older than me) to be tested. My negative test was sufficient to show there wasn't a BRCA hereditary link, although a different link is suspected. (Our only maternal cousin was diagnosed at 45, but she, too, was negative for a BRCA mutation.)
參考: I have Stage IV breast cancer.
2014-06-07 1:57 pm
There is no reason for you to suppose that you carry one of the rare inherited faulty genes responsible for hereditary breast cancer.

Bear in mind that only 5 - 10% of all breast cancer cases are hereditary.

The faulty inherited genes can only be passed from parent to child; if either of your parents carried one of the faulty genes, you have a 50% chance of having inherited that gene. But three's no suggestion in your question that either of your parents has been tested.

A sign that breast cancer might be hereditary within a family would be when several members of the same side of that family had had breast cancer. This doesn't appear to be the case in your family.

It may be that you will be treated as at increased risk of breast cancer simply as a precaution, because you have a first-degree relative who was diagnosed at an unusually young age, I don't know. But that wouldn't involve genetic testing
2014-06-08 12:58 pm
If your sister is the only member of the immediate family diagnosed with breast cancer and has been tested and found to have no genetic predisposition for breast cancer then there is no need for you to be tested.

discuss your family history with your Dr at your next regular check up in case they feel any extra precautions are required in your case.
2014-06-07 9:59 pm
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 34 as well (no family history of breast/ovarian/prostate cancer whatsoever) and got the gene test done. The result came back inconclusive.... which was not positive and "almost" like negative.
So I was told my sisters don't have to get the test done and their chance of getting breast cancer is same as the general population.
2014-06-07 1:54 pm
It's so great that people take this test! My mother had it done and it was negative too, I'm so happy!^^, But I'm honestly not sure if that rules you out as negative too as her sister, but perhaps you could call your doctor and ask? If you should just take the test too or not.

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