英文 tenses表 (20 點)

2014-06-08 1:11 am
英文tenses表(包括past,present tense and 現在進行式)
例(past tense and present tense):


回答 (5)

2014-06-08 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
present tense
I/we/you/they sing happily.
He/she/ Mary/Tom sing happily at school
The bird/ it sings happily

Past tense
I/we/you/they/ he /.she/ it / the bird/ Mary / Tom
sang happily

Future tense
I/we/you/they/ he /.she/ it / the bird/ Mary / Tom
will sing happily

Continuous tense
verb to be ( am are is was were)+ sing + ing =
Present continuous tense
I am singing now
she / he / it is singing happily now
We/you/they are singling happily now

Past continuous tense = mostly have two action
I was singing when Mary called me yesterday
He/She/It was singing when we played in the garden.
We/you/they were singing when we played in the garden.

Present perfect tense = has /have +past participle ( done)
I have sung a song
He She It has sung a song
We, you, they have sung a song

Past perfect tense = has /have changed to had + past participle (done)
I/we/you/they/ he /.she/ it / the bird/ Mary / Tom
had sung a song.
had gone to cinema.

Table of present /past /past participle can be found at the back of your book
Normal verb - past tense/ past participle +ed or + d

play + ed

irregular verbs
break breaking broke broken
eat eating ate eaten
do doing did done
come coming came come
go going went gone

2014-06-09 12:50 am
現在進行式,用的時侯前面加個be(am,are,is),個動詞就+ing如果個動詞的尾2個字係響音(a,e,i,o,u)就要重復最尾的字例如(stop stopping)
過去式就有好大分別,有D係動詞就咁+ED,有D就個字完全唔同,同現在進去式一樣,如果個動詞的尾2個字係響音(a,e,i,o,u)就要重復最尾的字例如(stop stopped)如果個動詞係y字結尾,就要轉ied但係響音(a,e,i,o,u)的字就不用轉,例如(play played cry cried)過去式的字有D係不變的,就像hurt put就算過去式都係一樣的串法
而完全唔同的字就講唔到咁多(leave left come came do did speak spoke take took等等)
2014-06-08 8:21 am
To Ling:
No offence

Present simple tense
He/She/ Mary/Tom SINGS happily at school.

Present continuous tense
We/You/They are singing happily now. (typo error: not "singling")
2014-06-08 6:01 am
Present tense (do)
Present perfect tense (have done)
Present continuous tense (am doing)

Past tense (was doing)
Past perfect tense (had done)
Past continuous tense (was doing)

Future tense (will do)
Future perfect tense (will have done)
Future continuous tense (will be doing)

Present perfect continuous (have been doing)
Past perfect continuous (had been doing)
Future perfect continuous (will have been doing)
2014-06-08 4:23 pm
To Ling:-
Not to give offence
to offend not:-
Sings---Singing---found at the back of your dictionary.

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