English question, please help?

2014-06-07 6:12 am
If you have a "k" in the middle of a sentence, for example,

"Please asK me."

Do people generally pronounce the "k" sound clearly, or is it kind of omitted, when they say it casually or faster?

回答 (4)

2014-06-07 6:18 am
It is said just as clearly as any other letter.
2014-06-07 9:09 am
It is pronounced.
2014-06-07 2:53 pm
Yes we do.The only time it is silent is in words that start with kn.
2014-06-07 6:14 am
It has a "ku" sound to it, but it's said quickly.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 06:17:52
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