
Thank you very much from the very bottom of my heart.

別再來廣告好嗎?? 這2則答案文不對題都是廣告...... 嚴禁廣告放肆

回答 (2)

2014-06-12 6:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) The main purpose of this movie described about the happenings which occurred when three of the friendly students studied in first-rated college of engineering in India. Among that story which was hidden about the thinking of what was the Indian educational system. Though it lasted three hours and yet there was nothing dried as the desert and being a nice movie for whole family.
(2) In regards to alternative management of studying, it indicated that if you relied too much on dication or recitation then eventually you would get higher marks but owing to that your would not make use of the studies into practice. As same as in actual life, when a pregnant woman was labouring while it was flooding as the result, there were no power or even without accoudeuse then what could she do ? In order to help her to get over this hardship, the protagonist had applied the learned ideas to modify the vaccum machine to generate a suction force and also to resume the power by bringing the cells of a battery and connecting the power lines together. All of that was being learned by him earlier through yeears of studies in electrical engineering and put into actually pratice. Finally, the baby was born silently without crying and as suspected being dead. At that moment, the curse of " everything all right" had been taken effect and that stimulated the baby to kick its feet off; and that had been the case while it still in the state of fetus in abdomen of pregnant woman and usually responded to that curse with samething happened. Did you know that, the pregnant woman was daughter of the principal. Owing to the help of that student, who rescued his daughter from death and in return, he gave away his adorable pen to as gift. For he realized that was an example of practicle usage of learned knowledge.
(3) They were not only with purely friendships but also realized one another especially established their dreams and beloved and foolish as let people with touched heart's feelings .
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-06-09 2:43 am
1. This film is mainly about these three friends who are studying at the best engineering school in India.
There are many little stories that occur during their period at school.
From these stories were hidden some of the reflections on the Indian Education System. Although the movie was close to three hours long, it was not dull at all, but was entertaining and very suitable for families to enjoy.
2. Facing cramming school education, they are unable to utilize knowledge given to them. Knowledge learnt need to be utilized, knowledge that is memorised are useless!
Knowledges that are gained from memorising can only bring you good results in a test, but in reality, how will a pregnant woman give birth to a baby when faced with flooding and no electricity and a helpless midwife?
The main character uses a vacuum cleaner to create a sucker, then used a few batteries and other equipment and linked them to restore electricity. This is how an electrical engineer can utilize their knowledge, like scientists inventing new inventions. They applied what they had learnt into use and in the end, the child finally came. It didn't cry at first and everyone thought the child had died. But the "everything will be OK" spell came to its use, the child kicked with one leg and everyone smiled. This is all because when the woman was pregnant, whenever someone said "Everything will be OK", the child will kick its mother's stomach to express its resonance. This proves it! You should utilize what you've learnt instead of memorizing it off by heart. The pregnant woman turns out to be the daughter of the principal. The principal finally understood that learning and utilizing knowledge was what saved his daughter's life and that this student was truly an outstanding student. He gave his favourite pen to this student who had learnt to apply his knowledge.
參考: 自己 很抱歉字數不夠 = =

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