gift ideas for daycare?

2014-06-05 2:08 pm
Next week our third and youngest kid will leave a daycare, he starts school this fall. This daycare was a regular place that we visited on a daily basis for the last ten years because all three of our kids went there and we were very satisfied with the service. Since our youngest kid is leaving soon, we would like to give a gift to this daycare and all the good people there. It's a big daycare, they have 20-25 employees (all females, all age ranges) so buying something for each person is out of question. And of course nothing expensive as well, should be 100-200$, max. Any ideas?

回答 (4)

2014-06-05 3:27 pm
When worked at a preschool and parents wanted to give gifts we asked for books...we had a running list at the parent information bulletin board and they could sign next to the book so others would know it is being purchased. Another thing we did was note the book store we used and had those few top book put aside so all they had to do was get to the store ask for the book and buy it

these are hard back books at barns and noble and you want to get something they do not have....easy to read and not to long..

another idea is to have lunch brought in like pizzas or sub sandwiches and bottles of soda or tea...lemonaide

we had a parent that would bring donuts in the morning and ice cream bars in the hot afternoon for staff at break....this was special nice and thoughtful.

believe it or not it is just something simple....not one gift or a gift for each worker it is a gift for the center...

2014-06-05 3:11 pm
You could purchase something that will be used by the children as well as the staff. A microwave, tv or dvd unit, kids furniture, sandpit or trampoline. Maybe a portable shade for outside shelter in the hot summer months, a seat like a park bench or outdoor tables and seats. Whatever you choose you could add a plaque or have it engraved with something like ' With gratitude and love. The Jones family'
2014-07-14 10:51 pm
razor blades would be fitting.
2014-06-05 5:20 pm
A catered lunch would be very much appreciated by all of the staff members. Just be sure to talk with the daycare office to arrange the best date and time.

Another option would be to have a professional to come in and do free massages for staff in their break room one day.

A plant or aquarium for the lobby would be nice, but be sure to ask if they would really want it before giving a gift that needs to be cared for! Also, be sure any plants are non-toxic.

Another option would be to buy a collection of toys/materials that could be shared between the rooms.
For example, a laundry basket full of play balls of all sizes and shapes, with the a card from your kids saying, "We've had a ball at (daycare name)!" Or, a basket of art supplies such as colored chalk, construction paper, glitter glue, stickers, etc. Teachers could each pick out a few things that were needed for their rooms.

A basket of nice, travel-sized lotions and hand sanitizers would be another welcomed gift for the staff room, along with a plate of cookies or some other small treat.

If none of those ideas feel like a fit, talk with the director about something from their wish list. Could you help contribute to fundraising for new playground equipment? Purchase materials for a special gardening or cooking project? Buy a digital camera for documentation, or help with a makeover of the staff break room? Be sure to get input before making any large purchase to be sure that it is an area of want/need. They would rather you ask than have you show up with a large item that they can't use for one reason or another.

Most of all, a sincere card or letter from your family telling them how much it has meant to you to have a safe, special place for your children will truly help validate the work that they do. It is an overworked and underpaid profession, and sometimes they only hear from families who are upset about one thing or another. (And often trivial things, like a missing hair bow, or a ketchup spot on clothing!)
Hearing positive feedback is always very much appreciated!

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