
2014-06-05 7:35 pm
evidence 是可數定還是不可數名詞?

回答 (2)

2014-06-05 10:35 pm
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n. 名詞

[不可數名詞] facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that something exists or is true 證據﹐證明


evidence of life on other planets 其他行星上有生命的證據

[U] information given in a court of law in order to prove that someone is guilty 〔法庭上證明某人有罪的〕證據; 證詞

Murrow ' s evidence was enough to convict Hayes of murder . 默羅的證詞足以證明海斯犯了謀殺罪。

be in evidence -formal -to be present and easily seen or noticed 【正式】顯眼﹐引人矚目

The army is more in evidence in the cities than in rural areas . 軍隊在城市中比在鄉村裡更顯眼。

2014-06-05 14:38:27 補充:
[U] information given in a court of law in order to prove that someone is guilty 〔法庭上證明某人有罪的〕證據; 證詞
參考: yahoo, yahoo
2014-06-05 8:34 pm

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