IELTS 全部paper要7分特別係Writing

2014-06-04 10:19 pm
為左申請澳洲技術移民,要考IELTS General Training Module,全部paper都7.0或以上就可以係point test 拎多10分,對我好重要。
但我已經考左兩次,writing同speaking都得6.5, Listening同Reading 就ok


回答 (4)

2014-06-05 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not enough information to answer.

If you are able to score at least 6.5 per section, this means that your English is not bad, but have specific issues. Typical methods won't help you.

I have criticized IELTS writing practice test here before. So if you are willing to do so, post another question with how you answer the practice test, and I will see what I can do.

For speaking, it is difficult to tell unless I can actually talk to you.
2016-12-22 1:26 am
Hello, Would you mind introduce your IELTS teacher for me in immediately thanks a lot.
2014-06-11 11:25 pm
我之前搵左個老帥幫我補IELTS. 結果我由5.5分升升到7.0分. 我覺得呀Sir教得好好, 因為佢一開始係幫我補番D 基本Gramma, Tenses, etc.... 之後再做作文, 生字, IELTS 要求等等. 我建議你也可以搵個同你夾既老師補下. 如果你想試下我個呀Sir,可以email我.
參考: 自己
2014-06-05 6:49 pm
我都係為左移民澳洲遇到同一難題..IELTS ALL BAND 7..

之前writing6.0 同speaking得6.5



三個月前在網上見有個外籍英文老師賣補習廣告, 我見佢話佢深明拎7.0既重要性,課程專針對Writing同Speaking, 可以試一堂, 見面前要我預先作篇IELTS Writing既250字essay, 佢睇左五分鐘就圈起左我十幾個另我Writing得6.5分既原因, 我先恍然大悟原來同一個意思要用複雜既sentence structure, 加埋advanced linking devices 先可以Writing拎7.0或以上, 我二話不說就跟佢補了兩個半月, 主要係比佢comment d作文同練Speaking, 點樣講d 可以impress個examiner既字句.

Listening 7.5
Reading 7.5
Writing 7.0
Speaking 7.0
Overall 7.5



2014-06-05 17:28:34 補充:

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