
2014-06-04 3:26 am
Ricky knew that it is ? to shout at his parents.So he opened the door and say sorry.

What is the question mark?Is it rude or wrong or any other words?

回答 (2)

2014-06-04 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ricky knew that it is ? to shout at his parents, so he opened the door and say sorry.

Ricky 知道大聲向父母呼喝是__________,所以他開門道歉。

你所說的 rude 和 wrong 都可以。

所填的格需要一個形容詞 (adjective),代表 Ricky 知道「大聲向父母呼喝」這件事的想法,也應配合句子後部他道歉的行為。

impolite (沒禮貌)
bad (壞)
offensive (令人不快)

2014-06-04 02:30:29 補充:
Godfrey, thank you very much!

Let me acknowledge you~


2014-06-04 02:32:52 補充:
請看看意見欄 Godfrey 介紹兩個更高階的詞語:

Impudent 魯莽的、卑鄙的、厚顏無恥的

Insolent 粗野的、無禮的、侮慢的

2014-06-04 10:24 am
More formal ~

Impudent (adj.) – rude, and having no respect and proper courtesy for people, especially those who are older or more important

Insolent (adj.) - extremely rude, especially when you should be showing respect

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