Can I close a non-essential credit card without any negative reprecussions ?

2014-06-02 5:47 pm
I want to cut down on the number of credit cards that we use.

回答 (2)

2014-06-02 9:52 pm
Closed/paid accounts in good standing remain on your credit report for at least 10 years. They just don't count as much in your FICO score as open, active accounts. If you are not using this card, it isn't doing anything to build your credit anyway.

Closing your older accounts will lower the average age of accounts (opening new accounts does the same thing) which can lower your FICO score. If the age difference is less than 4 years, it won't be much. A 10 year difference could drop your score 30 or 40 points.

This is not a negative and your score will start to rebound in a few months. Keep in mind that score is really only a pre-screening tool. Credit decisions are made based on what actually shows on your credit report.

In any case, it is not smart to keep a credit card open just for your score. If you don't intend to use the card, close it and request written confirmation that the account is close and 0 balance. Keep that confirmation forever.
2014-06-02 6:30 pm
WHY would you think there would be "negative repercussions"?
What do you think the banks will do, come to your house and yell at you?
WHERE do you people GET this crap?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:06:48
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