
2014-06-02 5:50 am
for instance, do you think the phrase I love you' on the computer monitor can mean the same as one spoken to you face-to-face.



回答 (4)

2014-06-02 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
我猜你是把 as one spoken 的 one 理解成 "跟你說話的那個人",所以才問為什麼不是用 speaks (主動) 而是用 spoken (被動)。

實際上,這裡的 one 是指 "一句 phrase" 而非 "一個人",故此這裏 as one spoken to you face to face 的意思是 "如一句當面對你說的 phrase 般",而不是 "如一個人當著你面說話般"。

因為一句 phrase 只能 "被說出來",因此就要用 passive participle "spoken" 囉。
2014-06-02 11:52 pm
spoken face to face is an adjective phrase telling us when the phrase of I LOVE YOU was said
2014-06-02 5:51 pm
(1)for instance, do you think the phrase I love you' on the computer monitor can mean the same as one spoken to you face-to-face.
例如說: 你認為 "我愛你" 這句片語在電腦的螢光幕上可能是指對你所說"面對面"的意思一樣呢。
(2) 為什麼要用spoken而不是原型,這是什麼句式??
the same as one spoken to you 在這裡是指"曾經有人對你說過".
spoken== past participle acts as verbal adjective (過去分詞變成形容詞)
參考: 部份根據一九七五年由牛津大學出版社出版的現代高級英漢雙解辭典
2014-06-02 6:11 am
1.)這是 “過去進行式”


one spoken to you face-to-face:過去有人跟你面對面說過。
參考: 我

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