✔ 最佳答案
1. The Immigration Department can if new evidence arises.
Please note - A and B are parties of interest. The wife is the actual target of prosecution.
2. The answer is unfortunately yes - Immigration Department is correct.
The marriage between the wife and B is invalid at the very beginning. So B's application for residence has bee misrepresented (Immigration Department could prosecute this case as fraud. But apparently, the Department chose not to do so). Based on this, the residence is invalid as well.
Director of Immigration has discretionary authority to grant residence. However, since B is not currently married to a Hong Kong Permanent Resident, there is no compelling reason for the Director to invoke this authority.
Voluntary Departure is a discretion already by the Department (as they could detain and deport immediately).
B can try judicial review. But it is unlikely to succeed.
2014-06-02 16:39:03 補充:
1. They can do so. The only problem is the true intent of the Immigration Department. Beside, there was a lawyer with B when B appeared at the Immigration Department. This means Immigration Department is not bluffing.
2014-06-02 16:39:39 補充:
So even getting married may allow the Director to invoke discretionary authority, the Immigration Department can go back to the issue with polygamy again.
2014-06-02 16:41:44 補充:
2. Why don't I put it this way - B has no legal basis at all, even the Court of Final Appeal will not even help.
I said B can try judicial review. I did not said the chance is good (the success chance is less than 10%).
2014-06-04 11:17:18 補充:
1. Yes.
2. Then it will become a deportation case. Immigration Department will go to B's residence and arrest B on the spot and arrange next available bus back to Mainland.
If no immediate arrangement, B will be detained in an Immigration Department Detention facility, similar to jail.
2014-06-04 11:18:01 補充:
Even B may escape from the Immigration Department, his HKID will be flagged and any police will arrest on the spot given the deportation order.