Sims 3 serial code?

2014-05-31 10:39 pm
I just bought the Sims 3 today with the University Life expansion pack and I need a serial code to register and when I put the one that is on the back of my booklet it says it's invalid. So what should I do? Can someone give me a VALID serial code please?

回答 (2)

2014-05-31 10:46 pm
If you've been sold a non-functioning product, you need to either take it back to the place where you got it, or contact EA support.
2014-06-02 7:22 pm
you chill out and stop spamming this question thicko we have answer this question a number of times and a number of people who asked it!

JB is a racist and you have a cloned his name HA HA HA LOSER

I don't think JB would be in here asking how to get a serial i think he would buy them new and not second hand HA HA HA HA

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