
2014-05-31 9:29 am
我7月要先去英國讀2個月既語言課程 跟住9月份先正式開學 我知道讀語言香港學生系唔使簽 但系9月份正式上堂個隻要簽TIER 4. 我想知道我可唔可以直接系英國簽TIER 4, 因為我覺得中途要番香港簽好哂錢~~ 我朋友佢上年去左英國 佢話系可以直接系英國簽,但系我想確定下.大家唔該幫幫我T___T....最好copy 埋關於呢個問題D資料, 我系GOV.UK 完全搵唔到

回答 (2)

2014-06-01 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我想知道我可唔可以直接系英國簽TIER 4

>> 可以, 只要你有齊文件就得. 但個人覺得, 係hk 整會比較好, 因為英國整visa 會慢, 我有朋友係係英國整working visa (suppose 係同一個procedure), 我係hk 整一個星期就拎到了, 但係佢整左成個月 (因為英國人一黎比較多, 二黎英國做野唔夠hk 呢邊快), 而且你仲要去領事館果邊整, 而可以諗到既係, 唔係周街都有領事館=_= 所以亦要travel 過去.

>> 其實, 唔知你9月果個係咩course啦, 如果係proper gce/gcse 既course 的話, 我相信去到7月果時佢地應該已經有張信俾你可以整visa< 其實係可以係hk整左先再過去英國, 而7月入境果時就同佢講話你係黎上一個幾星期既course. 咁就可以了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2014-05-31 7:38 pm
The answer is yes.

However, please notice that the following may happen to you:

1. You may not have all the document with you (In other word, you must bring everything with you now) and it will be difficult for you to get the document ready in time.

2. No country is a friend for those people who get the visa within the country (as getting a new visa indicates you want to stay longer). This will make your case more difficult (even your case is an easy approval, the UKBA will have no choice to look careful again).

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