Was it immature of me to delete someone on Facebook for ignoring me on purpose?

2014-05-31 5:42 am
I'm female, and I deleted a male friend whom I knew since childhood who use to be my neighbor We'd hang, play and all.

He was reluctant to accept my friend request until I commented on one of his photos. He accepted my friend request but didn't remember me. He was really curious to know who I was, so we began chatting, few 'Lol-conversations', etc. etc.

Sometimes he would take days to reply back, and the last time I messaged him, (in reply to one of his questions), but never replied back.
How did I know he was 'ignoring' me? Well, I could tell through News Feed because everyday he was on facebook liking pictures, etc.

Days went by, weeks went by, yet he never replied yet continued liking and sharing stuff, and so on. It got to me, and felt I was being rubbed wrong ---I get butt-hurt easily.
Was it dumb of me to delete a friend whom I haven't spoken to in a while just because it seemed like he was purposely ignoring me? Btw, we were having nice, casual chats, so I'm sure I did not say anything that would offend him. I kinda felt it was his fault though ..

回答 (6)

2014-05-31 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He deserved it. It's not immature, if you REALLY think about it. Why would you consider having somebody as your friend on Fb, if they're just gonna ignore you like that? You reasoned accurately and you did the right thing. Nobody wants people in our lives behaving that way toward us. Except unless one's stupid to let that happen.
2014-05-31 6:06 am
Well, it is really your choice what you do with your facebook. I would not say you were immature if you just did not want that person to play a role in your life anymore. It is, after all, your life.
2014-05-31 5:44 am
Im just proud of the fact that you didnt make status' towards him. Well, if seeing him like things and not talk to you hurt your feelings you have every right in my opinion.
2014-06-01 5:03 am
I had a girlfriend who used to ignore me. So I just want you to know this happens to many people. And I hope you feel better soon. And find yourself a better friend also. :)
2014-06-01 3:39 am
this man does not even deserve you or any girl.
2014-05-31 5:58 am
Of course you were immature, you act like you had and still have a crush on him. So you cannot have any friends unless they text you right away, seems extremely childish.

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